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E1: Lower Elementary

1st-3rd grade

E2: Upper Elementary

4th-6th grade

ELEMENTARY 1st - 6th Grade

In Elementary, there is an emphasis on the development of independence, self-advocacy, and working with others. Each day starts with a morning work time, which includes the faith formation, small group lessons, and uninterrupted work time to explore interests and complete projects. Lunch and recess are followed by an afternoon work time that often includes a read-aloud, physical education, art, music, special activities, and addition practice of core subjects.


5 - Day Private Academy

Our full-time private academy incorporates best educational practices drawing not only from the Montessori method but other educational models such as classical. With the Montessori method, materials, and grace and courtesy as our leading compass and roadmap, we continue to look for today’s constructivist practices that can be incorporated to create an atmosphere of relevance and excellence for our students. Students have purposeful work today and are prepared for tomorrow.

3 - Day Homeschool Program

The Elementary 3-Day homeschool program is a program designed for home-educated students in 1st through 6th grade. It offers a unique blend of two educational models – homeschooling and academy – providing the best of both worlds. This homeschooling partnership allows children to be part of a consistent school community for three days a week and spend the remaining two days learning with their parents at home.  It also allows parents to maintain the primary responsibility for their child’s education at home while receiving support, accountability, and encouragement. This model has produced proven results and rewards.



Dr. Montessori used the term “Atrium,” derived from the gathering place for worship in the early Christian church, to describe the spiritual environment that is carefully set up and prepared for the children to proclaim the message of Jesus, teach the lessons Jesus taught, and focus on the Word and worship. Each of our environments houses an altar, religious work, and biblical lessons through which the children can express their faith in Christ.

Practical Life

Practical Life at the Elementary level focuses on skills that connect children with their interests in the outside world, help them organize their time, and participate in their community. While self-care and appropriate social interactions are still supported, the emphasis is on teaching responsibility.


Montessori math materials provide children with hands-on, visual, and tactile learning aids to understand abstract concepts on a deeper level.  In Elementary, we introduce new purposes for familiar math materials to help children consider mathematical concepts, operations, and complex functions, ultimately expanding their advanced mathematical knowledge and understanding.

Language Arts

Reading and writing are essential to all subjects in a Montessori Elementary environment. Using these skills, students share their ideas through formal and informal presentations, express their interests and satisfy their curiosity. The Montessori language materials are designed for children to explore the intricacies of written and spoken language, helping elementary students master grammar, writing conventions, and spelling.

* In the homeschool program, some content is taught at home.

Cultural Studies

Montessori Cultural Studies include geography, history, biology, botany, geology, physical and life sciences. Through culture, children explore the interconnectedness and interdependence of living things. World history is presented through storytelling using “The Story of the World.”

Fine Arts

The Fine Arts are integral to learning at Hand in Hand. Children are provided with rich opportunities to experience music, dance, literature, and art. Involvement in the arts helps children find meaningful expression.

The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence. Dr. Maria Montessori


  • Intentionally Prepared Environments​

  • Hands-on Materials

  • The Whole Broken in Parts

  • The Parts to Construct the Whole

  • Spiralized exposure to new learning

  • Opportunities for Repeated Practice

  • Access to a​ Variety of Prepared Works​

  • Student-Led and Full Group Activities​

  • Individual and Small Group Lessons


Central Campus
211 N McCarrons Blvd, Roseville, Minnesota 55113 | 651.784.7988

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